HUGE SUCCESS TIP!!!-"Learn From Your Enemies"
For years these so called, "experts" and "know it alls" put me down and made me feel inferior with their negative comments etc. Then ONE DAY, it happened. Like a HUGE Aha moment, I heard,
"LEARN From Your Enemies"
And that's when it happened, I made a HUGE leap to the next level by learning from my enemies.
When I learned this principle I was able to finally:
-Publish my 1st book (after 10 years of trying to please my critics)!
-Launched my speaking and seminar business!
-Make money through my business!
-Implement new powerful policies and procedures!
-Use their hate as fuel to propel me forward! and more!!
That's right, "Learn from your enemies." Yes, they are usually, uptight, critical, judgmental, and even downright evil sometimes, but they always do at least 1 THING RIGHT.
I don't hate them anymore, I study them, then I'll take that 1 thing and apply it to my business or life. What can you learn from YOUR enemy??? :)
If nothing else, an enemy will help you produce a better customer service or return policy.
They don't know it, but your enemies are propelling you to greatness!!!
Hee hee, (It's our little secret)
Have a winning weekend,
CJ Small
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