Friday, May 8, 2015

7 FACES OF SABOTAGE-and how to fix it!

Ok so you want to achieve something big, like write a book, or become a speaker or maybe just make 5k a month through your business opportunity. Or maybe you want to just lose 30 pounds in 60 days. What's stopping you from living like a boss? It could just be you.

It could be that you have one of the signs of self-sabotage. Most people are their own worst enemy when it comes to achieving any major goal. 
Now before you read further, I want you to know that this is NOT about making
you feel bad, or to condemn you. But I do want you to recognize the signs and maybe there are a couple here that may stick out. In order to conquer anything you must first acknowledge that there is an issue. So hang on, you may find your answer here today. 
From coaching hundreds of people for success I have seen The 7 Faces of Self-Sabotage:

1 THE BLAMER "I can't believe I let you 'talk me into' this mess." Feels better when people blame someone else so they don't have to take personal responsibility. (ouch)

2. THE SHIFTER "I think I want to do something else, this is not working. I just joined this NEW opportunity because they treat me better over here.
I quit because of the up-line... the downline... the compensation plan.." etc.. "But this NEW company is going to work out for sure." Then they quit the new company
in 4 months saying the same things and therefore repeating the cycle. 

3. THE PROCRASTINATOR "I have something to do.." (again.. today, tomorrow, next week) The procrastinator always has some busy thing (task or project) to do in order
to avoid and evade the important task or project. Why? Well many times it's because they can see success coming around the corner and success is scary for many. 
Yes, people actually have a fear of success. 
Or they say, "I'll get back to you on that"

4 THE EXCUSE MAKER "You don't understand my situation!  I've been doing this and that and this and that.." 

5. THE MOP (MISSED OPPORTUNITIES PERSON) "I don't have the money for that right now"  But they really use a lot of "too's" like.. "It's too much, too far, too
hard, too long, I'm too busy, too much going on.." But the truth is, they are just too afraid to take advantage of easy opportunities.

6. THE HOSTAGE TAKER "I need to put this project off for a little while..something urgent has come up (death in the family, 
My family and kids come first!" The Hostage Taker always puts someone (or something) they love in front of their coach or mentor because they know the accountability person will back down when using loved ones.

7. THE ANGRY EGO "How dare you even put something out like this! I thought this blog was going to help me. You don't know me! Who do you think you are? You think you 
are better than me (us)? I'm doing the best I can for me and my..." etc.. 

So how did you do? Well don't none of us are perfect and we all need a little kick of reality now and again to get to the next level. Ready to breakout of the 7? Here is how you do it. 

First you have to acknowledge that you have an issue with one or more of these above. 
Next, you'll need to get a coach that will love you, encourage you and help you to be accountable. Yes that would be me! Coach CJ. Email me at: to see if we are a fit.

Getting a coach may be one of the toughest yet most rewarding things you will ever do for you and your family. But together we can achieve your goals and dreams.
It's time for you to shine. 

Your dreams and goals await you!

-Coach CJ