I've got several tips for you to become "Likable" so you can sell more.
Yes the fact is that people buy from people they like.
Watch and enjoy.
Oh yea,
don't forget to leave a comment to let me know you are alive :)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sales Tip #1-"An Oldie But Goodie"-CJ Small
Don't forget to share and leave a comment.
Happy sales to you!
CJ Small
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
SO FUNNY!-Zig Ziglar Setting Goals 2 of 3
Ok my friend, get started today.
Take the first step and subscribe to our success training newsletter.
Yes now:)
Have a fantastic day!
-CJ Small
Friday, October 22, 2010
Don't Hate Your ENEMIES-Learn from your enemies
HUGE SUCCESS TIP!!!-"Learn From Your Enemies"
For years these so called, "experts" and "know it alls" put me down and made me feel inferior with their negative comments etc. Then ONE DAY, it happened. Like a HUGE Aha moment, I heard,
"LEARN From Your Enemies"
And that's when it happened, I made a HUGE leap to the next level by learning from my enemies.
When I learned this principle I was able to finally:
-Publish my 1st book (after 10 years of trying to please my critics)!
-Launched my speaking and seminar business!
-Make money through my business!
-Implement new powerful policies and procedures!
-Use their hate as fuel to propel me forward! and more!!
That's right, "Learn from your enemies." Yes, they are usually, uptight, critical, judgmental, and even downright evil sometimes, but they always do at least 1 THING RIGHT.
I don't hate them anymore, I study them, then I'll take that 1 thing and apply it to my business or life. What can you learn from YOUR enemy??? :)
If nothing else, an enemy will help you produce a better customer service or return policy.
They don't know it, but your enemies are propelling you to greatness!!!
Hee hee, (It's our little secret)
Have a winning weekend,
CJ Small
PS. Don't forget to leave a comment or subscribe to my Newsletter to the right:)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Validation Video-Over 4 million hits??
Find out why this video received over 4 million hits. Guaranteed to make you smile!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
How to Outsource your way to freedom-PT.1

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? I know the feeling. One great way to get away from the stress is t outsource your workload.
Here are a few quick outsourcing tips:
1. List EVERYTHING that you hate to do or tasks and projects that are time wasters. Then list them by categories starting with the ones that will earn you the most income (especially if you are a sales professional or entrepreneur). (about 10 minutes-take action now)
This could include administrative tasks or time consuming tasks like blogging, responding to emails, or even technical I.T. tasks and projects. These I.T. tasks can include SEO, web page management, or finding friends on Facebook.
2. ONLY outsource "income producing" tasks or "time saving tasks" and projects.
For example, I love speaking at my live seminar events, however to do not like to spend my entire day marketing to my target audience. I also love to make cool training videos however, I do not like to edit the videos or upload them to my blog and Youtube accounts. These are all on my outsource list.
Make yourself a simple spreadsheet to manage your outsourcing tasks and projects. List all of your major outsourcing tasks or projects by category like social networking, IT, or editing/posting. Use these projects as headers and place tasks under each header. (10 minutes-take action now)
Don't want to overwhelm you. Just wanted to help you get started so you can outsource your way to freedom!
Next, we'll cover strategies for you to outsource your business and sales tasks absolutely free!
Hope you enjoyed the post,
show me some love and give me a comment.
Until next time,
CJ Small (CJSmallTrainingWinners)
PS. Don't forget to sign up for our free newsletter to your right!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
How to create a WELCOME VIDEO-and other video answers!
Does your website have a welcome video?
Create a welcome video like the one I made below and connect with your audience.
A little nervous about it? Don't be. I'll answer many of your questions below, but check out my website welcome video. It took me about 10 minutes to make and 15 minutes to edit.
Here are some other challenges you face when creating a welcome video.
Don't have a camera? Borrow one like I did for years before I found one.
Don't know what type to use? Buy a inexpensive "Flip Video" camera (most under $200.00!). It's super easy to use (one button), and they now have High Definition (HD)!
Don't know what you are doing? Film it first (that's 80%).
What about editing? Find some free downloadable editing software, just search it on google (like Microsoft Movie Maker or Pinnacle Videospin), and then download. They are pretty simple to use. There are tons of tutorials on Youtube too:)
Don't know how to put it into your webpage? Simple, once you upload to "Youtube" then get the "embed" code and paste it to your site.
Don't have a site?
Can't afford a website? etc, etc.,
Answer: Get a business and sales coach like me to help!
Create a welcome video like the one I made below and connect with your audience.
A little nervous about it? Don't be. I'll answer many of your questions below, but check out my website welcome video. It took me about 10 minutes to make and 15 minutes to edit.
Here are some other challenges you face when creating a welcome video.
Don't have a camera? Borrow one like I did for years before I found one.
Don't know what type to use? Buy a inexpensive "Flip Video" camera (most under $200.00!). It's super easy to use (one button), and they now have High Definition (HD)!
Don't know what you are doing? Film it first (that's 80%).
What about editing? Find some free downloadable editing software, just search it on google (like Microsoft Movie Maker or Pinnacle Videospin), and then download. They are pretty simple to use. There are tons of tutorials on Youtube too:)
Don't know how to put it into your webpage? Simple, once you upload to "Youtube" then get the "embed" code and paste it to your site.
Don't have a site?
Can't afford a website? etc, etc.,
Answer: Get a business and sales coach like me to help!
Contact me at: cjsmalltrainingwinners@gmail.com for a free coaching session (first 5 to take advantage only!)
I'll help you do all of this and more!
So now, what challenges do you have?
Come on, get your video out there welcome your audience! They've been waiting on you.
I'll help you do all of this and more!
So now, what challenges do you have?
Come on, get your video out there welcome your audience! They've been waiting on you.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Are you Young At Heart?-3 ways to find out!
There are others who are in their 40’s, 50’s and even older, who have a young mindset.
Do you have a young mindset?
I have spent many years observing people and here is what I have found.
Do you do any of these three?:
1. Occasionally run and jump on your grocery store shopping cart when going to your car.
2. Occasionally jump in the bed?
3. Actually enjoy cartoon movies with your kids or grand kids?
If you do any of these above, then you may have a “young mindset?”
Ever thought of why some older people date and marry younger people? Young Mindset! (mostly:)
Ever wonder why some people have a great quality of life? Young Mindset!
Ever wonder why some people in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond continue their education? Young Mindset!
Now, here is a prime example of situations where you may have an Old Mindset: For example if you say this phrase often, “Yep, been there done that, got the T-shirt”
If you stop taking risks (even small ones). You may need to change your mindset.
If you have been wearing the same clothing and hair style for more than 10 years?...
well you get the idea.
BOTTOM LINE: Change your mindset, and you will change your life.
Well, you may not be able to do a lot about gravity, but you can renew your mind.
I’d love to hear your feedback.
Have an awesome day!! -CJ Small
PS. Young people also embrace coaching and attend seminars! Sign up for our powerful Training Winners Newsletter to your right to get on our mailing list:)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
How to Go from Surviving to Really Living!

So how do you make the leap from surviving to really living anyway? How do you take your life, finances, health, and relationships to the next level where you can enjoy the quality life you deserve?
Yes you have survived sleepless nights, bad relationships, up and down economies, health issues, a couple of bad bosses, vicious rumors, and maybe even some occasional food poisonings. Yes you are still here! That’s is just absolutely wonderful and you should be applauded. But now it’s time to go from just surviving to really living!
In my new book, Next Level Selling I give away my Next Level Secrets to success.
No you don't have to be in sales to get the meat of the success principles.
For example, there’s a few steps that you can take to make this transformation.
as a matter a fact, I'm giving away my #1 secret to next level success!
Answer: Develop a Next Level Mindset
What is a next level mindset? Put it this way. Your mind controls your emotions, your body, and your quality of life!
Obtaining more knowledge is good, but most of us have way too much knowledge anyway! We have all this stuff but we aren’t using what we already have! We can’t take action on this information because we have this old mindset. So just how do you change your mindset?
Change your mind! Yes DECIDE right now to “change your mind.” Every great change happens the moment you say, “I CHANGE MY MIND!”
“I change my mind”...I DO want to purchase that new car."
“I change my mind, I don’t want that old boyfriend anymore!”
“I change my mind, I DO want to go to school again”
“I change my mind, I WILL start living my life today!”
Yes, “I DO want to hire a coach like CJ!” :)
You probably didn't want to read this whole article but somewhere in there you changed your mind.
That's great! You have a right to change your mind. It’s one of the greatest freedoms about being a human. You can change your mind. Don’t like your life? Change it!
Want more success training?
Use the sign up box to your right and
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"Change your Mind!"
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
How to develop a Winning Mindset

Do you win at almost everything you do? No? Well I have a tip for you that will take you to another level of success. Whether it’s your business, sales, health. Learn to win and win BIG using these 3 winning strategies:
1. Give yourself permission
I know it sounds simple but one way to begin winning on a consistent basis is to give yourself “permission” to win. We live in a society which says, “it’s ok to win, as long as you don’t win too big...then we’ll criticize you.”
From the time we were kids, we were taught that winning was a form of showing off or. For example; remember when you were in school? It was considered unpopular to make straight A’s. You were being trained at a young age that winning big was a form of outclassing others, therefore, we develop a subconscious “fear of success” over our lifetime. You were created to win, so give yourself permission to win and begin to win big!
2. Own it!
One of the first things they do when training a run way model to walk is to tell them to “own it!” One of the reasons you may not win as consistently as you might like is simply because you haven't taken “full ownership” of your winning gifts, talents, or skills. It’s not enough to possess these winning skills, you must “OWN IT!” Owning it means that you believe in what you are doing SO much, that you don’t make excuses for it. Owning it means that you believe in what you are doing so much that no one can talk you out of it. When I began to “own it” in my business, my sales began to increase almost immediately.
3. Constant Development
Remember this my winning friend. You MUST constantly develop yourself, everyday. If you want to win BIG in life, sales, or business. Each and every day, you need to be listening to motivational tapes and books, you need to be attending personal development seminars or reading your bible. You need to be constantly developing and growing.
Are you in the same place, mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially that you were last year? If you apply this simply principle of constant development, by this time next year, you will be the winner you’ve always wanted to be.
For more motivational success training tips and strategies, sign up for our weekly Training Winners Newsletter at: www.cjsmalltrainingwinners.com
Monday, July 26, 2010
MY #1 Quote-The Mindset that changed my life!
"Tell me anything you want, just don't tell me it can't be done!"-CJ Small
Yes, this is my #1 Quote. I have a book of quotes with over 300 of my personal motivational/inspirational quotes that I have written to inspire myself and others through the years.
With this one quote, I have accomplished SO many of my goals!
I have:
written and published my first book, "You Were Created for Greatness!"
spoken to tens of thousands of people!
coached and mentored hundreds!
improved my marriage relationships!
and more!
I challenge you today:
Remember this quote and use it to transform your own life!
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't be accomplished!
Don't allow anyone to tell you that it can't be done!
Now get back up, try again until you succeed!
Yes, this is my #1 Quote. I have a book of quotes with over 300 of my personal motivational/inspirational quotes that I have written to inspire myself and others through the years.
With this one quote, I have accomplished SO many of my goals!
I have:
written and published my first book, "You Were Created for Greatness!"
spoken to tens of thousands of people!
coached and mentored hundreds!
improved my marriage relationships!
and more!
I challenge you today:
Remember this quote and use it to transform your own life!
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't be accomplished!
Don't allow anyone to tell you that it can't be done!
Now get back up, try again until you succeed!
Monday, July 19, 2010
In the movie, "The Matrix" Trinity tells Neo (the lead character) not to get out of the car. He says, "Why?" She says, "Because you've been own that road before.” It was raining and dark, as Neo held open the car door. Then he DECIDED to get back in the car and see what they had to offer. I want to encourage you but first I must give you the cold hard truth. (You’ll be ok:).
Let’s say it’s Monday. You stand up and look out of your cubical and think, “Yep, I’ve been down this road before.” Let’s say you wake up Tuesday, get in your same car, drive down the same streets, and think, “Yep, I’ve...” Well you get the idea.
Sometimes in life you have to stop and DECIDE to do something a little different; something a little exciting. Yes, you need some excitement in your life! You need adventure! You need a little something to spice things up! No drugs, no drinking, no happy hour, no weekend fling. What you need is to make an exciting DECISION to try something different.
I'm challenging you today. Yes you! Today is your day to take a chance. Do something different! Start a business. Start writing your book. Take a speaking class. If you have a business, do something totally different in your marketing. Do you know the most challenging for most? Hiring a coach like me. I take people on a 6 G ride to accomplish their goals and dreams. One hour with me can be like bungie jumping with a real rubber band. One thing for sure, you never be the same.
What ever you decide today, “Do something different!” You’ve been down this road before.
Be empowered,
I love ya,
In the movie, "The Matrix" Trinity tells Neo (the lead character) not to get out of the car. He says, "Why?" She says, "Because you've been own that road before.” It was raining and dark, as Neo held open the car door. Then he DECIDED to get back in the car and see what they had to offer. I want to encourage you but first I must give you the cold hard truth. (You’ll be ok:).
Let’s say it’s Monday. You stand up and look out of your cubical and think, “Yep, I’ve been down this road before.” Let’s say you wake up Tuesday, get in your same car, drive down the same streets, and think, “Yep, I’ve...” Well you get the idea.
Sometimes in life you have to stop and DECIDE to do something a little different; something a little exciting. Yes, you need some excitement in your life! You need adventure! You need a little something to spice things up! No drugs, no drinking, no happy hour, no weekend fling. What you need is to make an exciting DECISION to try something different.
I'm challenging you today. Yes you! Today is your day to take a chance. Do something different! Start a business. Start writing your book. Take a speaking class. If you have a business, do something totally different in your marketing. Do you know the most challenging for most? Hiring a coach like me. I take people on a 6 G ride to accomplish their goals and dreams. One hour with me can be like bungie jumping with a real rubber band. One thing for sure, you never be the same.
What ever you decide today, “Do something different!” You’ve been down this road before.
Be empowered,
I love ya,
Thursday, July 15, 2010
How to break through those "Little Barriers"
I know you can taste it! It's your next level success and it's right around the corner. There just seems to be that little something that stands in your way. What is it? After coaching and mentoring hundreds of people I have found that it's not the BIG things, but those pesky little barriers that stand in the way of people's successes!
How to break through those little barriers? Easy:
1. Let your guards down. (Yes, be honest and don't hide behind false reasons)
2. Identify the "little barrier." (Why is it that you really don't take action? Yes it'll be a little painful, but not nearly as painful as spending another 10 years never seeing your dreams come to fruition)
3. Write the "Little Barrier" down...right now! (Do this in private if you have to but you must come face to face with the REAL issue and write it down to show that little critter that you are not afraid any more!)
4. Take a "Little Action" to defeat your "Little Barrier." (if your little barrier is making cold calls, just make 1. If it's pride, apologize just this once, if it's starting a business, make just one phone call or go and get your business license)
Nope, it's no the big old scary giants that keep you from your next level success. It's just a little tiny, itty bitty, barrier that keeps popping up. Just play "Whack-a-mole" and hit that little barrier on the head.....yes, right now:)
Let us know what little thing you smacked down today with a post:)
Have a powerful day!
CJ Small
Ps. "What was my little pesky barrier?" PERFECTIONIST (Now I don't care if it's perfect, even when it's perfect, someone will find something wrong with it. Now I just launch it with confidence!)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Welcome Next Level Winners!
Just wanted to welcome you to our first Training Winners Blog.
We hope to add great value to your life and/or business!
Stay tuned for tons of motivational, personal development content designed to help you achieve Next Level success in every area of your life!
Have a fun day!
CJ Small
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