Thursday, November 26, 2015

How to Master Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps

Between your 2 ears holds everything you want in this world. Success, prosperity, a great relationship, or great health. It’s called your mindset. It’s simple. Master your mindset and everything you want to manifest is yours. Time to get rid of the “stinking thinking” and live the life you’ve always dreamed.
How do you master your mindset? I use these 3 simple steps: 

1. Train your brain daily

I don’t skip a day. I train my brain every single day through personal development programs, reading the bible and listening to audio programs and mp3s. I watch countless motivational videos on Youtube on success, prosperity, or personal development every day. I never miss a day. Even holidays, sundays, even right now as I write this blog on Thanksgiving. When I miss days, my brain and thinking will try to return back to the mush and negativity. Your brain is like working out with your muscles. You skip days or weeks and your body begins to return back to mush. I get my iron hot daily, and then I strike (take action) when the iron is hot. 

2. Write down all limiting beliefs

What you believe can affect your performance. Over the years I have transformed hundreds of “limiting beliefs” (beliefs that held me back and kept me from achieving what I wanted. These limiting beliefs can be everything you believe to be true about money, relationships, business or health. Example: If you BELIEVE that “money doesn’t grow on trees” then it won’t for you. I DO happen to believe that money can just manifest itself if you change your mindset and take small income producing actions. Some believe that “it takes money to make money.” Wrong! It takes skill-set and mindset. I have made money with zero money many many times pulling money out of thin air. 

So what do I do to change these limiting beliefs? I take out a piece of paper and write down the limiting belief on the left side of the paper, and then I write a new and more powerful belief on the right side of the paper. (Thanks Tony Robbins). When I first started, I had hundreds of these limiting beliefs that were stopping me from achieving my best self. So, what limiting beliefs do YOU have that are holding you back. Whatever you believe, it will be true to “you.”
And yes, it is true, “your outer world (money, success, and things) is a reflection of your inner world” (your mind and heart). Thanks T. Harv Ecker (author of the Millionaire Mind)

2. Surround yourself with next level achievers

One of the most challenging things you will ever do is remove old negative cynical friends and relative and begin to surround yourself with 4 or 5 people that are going somewhere and achieving the things you want in life.
But if you do this, your whole world will change. They will talk next level, perform at the next level and think at the next level. You will become who you hang around with. It’s that simple. 

So where do you start?
You can start by getting my mindset book Mindset 33, on my site at: My book has helped many of my students and clients gain clarity, gain confidence and increase their productivity and income.

Go get em,
Coach CJ

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