Saturday, April 4, 2015


Yes I'm a motivational speaker and yes I'm a positive success coach but it doesn't mean that I am free from accidental hate (aka: jealousy) once in a blue moon. I personal LOVE to see people win and succeed but but I do admit that there are times I have to check myself and make sure that I am not secretly doing the "hate" thing myself. So today I created a "hater test." Ready? 
You might be a hater if...

# 1-You are Cynical
According to "The Free" the definition of Cynicism is: "An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others." In other words, the "Been there and done that" (BTDT) crowd are usually the first sign. You say you are going to do something great, and they say, BTDT. Negative opinions like, "It's probably not going to work out." or "Go ahead and try it if you want to.." and the "I told you so" crowd also applies. Cynics "hate" when others try or do well. 

# 2-You are Bitter
The biggest root of bitterness is unfulfilled goals and dreams. Bitterness often comes as a result of passing up on opportunities yourself and now when you see others taking advantage of the opportunities it creates bitterness. I've seen this as a life and business coach. The student starts a new business and the husband or family is jealous. 

# 3-You are Jealous 
You know that face people make when others are doing well or looking good. It's like they have something stinky on their top lip. They disguise it in a phrase like, "well I just don't think it takes all that." Jealousy can happen anywhere. It actually happens many times in church! The preacher is looking "too" good or the choir is always singing "too loud" or her dress is just a little "too tight." Even if she looks really good in the dress! So be careful of the "stinky lip." When someone walks into the room that looks really good. Tell them. 

SIGN 4-You Don't Celebrate When Others Win

Tell the truth. When you see others do really well do you smile or on the inside, you secretly think, "Oh..that must be nice: with a smirk? Always celebrate when you see others win. Remember, you could be next in line for a blessing.

SIGN 5-You Are A Buzz Kill
Ever see a really positive post on Facebook and then that ONE person just spoils the thread with their negative post saying things like, "Well I'm just calling it like I see it." Or maybe they see something good and always have to give a "opposite" opinion just for the sake of rebellion. Some just have to be a Debbie Downer for no reason at all other than to kill a positive vibe.

So, how did you do? Well don't worry we all struggle from time to time. Good news is, we can improve and grow.
Need a positive inspirational life coach to help you blast through those inner challenges? Reach out to me in a positive way and I'll give you a session on the house. If you are thinking, "naahh, this is probably too good to be true.".. Well that may be a sign you need a attitude adjustment from a coach like me. Let's roll

Coach CJ

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